The one & only super specialty store of its kind in India famous worldwide for the best quality fresh dry fruits packed in ceremonial packing, pure and perfectly blended widest variety of spices, hygienically prepared and packed homemade pickles, syrups, sherbets, finest quality of delicacies.
Roopak Stores Pvt. Ltd. is the most preferred and first priority destination of connoisseurs and status envy customers who are the driving spirit in the maintenance of quality assurance of all our products
An enterprise backed by the experience of 3 generations of dedicated food makers.
The company maintains self-supervised manufacturing facilities. The brand and Trademark are registered in famous importing countries like the U.S.A., CANADA, U.K. where customer base and dealership inquiries are swelling with each passing day. The company has no branch anywhere in the world.
We "Roopak Stores Pvt Ltd" authorize K2K Marketing as our distributor.